Paid Search Marketing

Paid Search Marketing

Black model of teeth with white implant Paid Search Marketing
Maximizing Dental Implant Funnels

Are you a dentist in private practice? You’ve likely heard of implant funnels. Implant funnels can be an extraordinarily beneficial addition to your practice when handled correctly. In this Dental Business RX podcast episode, Jeff Blumberg, COO of MGE, and Dan Brown, partner at Blumberg Digital and senior consultant at MGE, sit down to discuss […]

Paid Search Marketing
Paid Ads Successful Actions

Hello!   Dan Brown here, Senior Service Consultant at MGE and partner of Blumberg Digital, the digital marketing company that’s servicing numerous MGE clients across the US and Canada with their digital marketing goals and needs.    It is the end of the year and I want to talk to you about KEY actions you […]